OPEN Research Support

Egon Stenager
Center of Research in the Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Closed
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.09.2010  
Slut 30.05.2016  

Studies of genetic markers of multiple sclerosis in patients from the Faroe Islands

Short summary

The aim of this project is to contribute to a greater understanding of the genetic factors influence on multiple sclerosis and to expand our knowledge of which genes leads to an enhanced receptivity towards the disease. Genetic studies on multiple sclerosis patients with smaller genetic variations may contribute significantly to our knowledge in this area. The genetic homogeneity of isolated populations may enable us to find rare genetic risk variants.


In multiple sclerosis there is still the concept of the missing heritability. Over 100 genetic risk variants have been identified but we have only accounted for about 30% of the disease heritability.

The aim of this study is to genetically examine MS patients and controls from the Isolated Faroe Islands in hope of identifying rare MS risk variants.

Description of the cohort

In the OPEN biobank we have DNA from Faroese Multiple sclerosis patients who now live in the regions of Southern Denmark. DNA from Faroese MS patients living in the Faroe Islands is stored in the Faroe Islands.

There are approximately ten multiple sclerosis patients from the Faroe Islands whom receive treatment at the Sclerosis Clinic of Southern Jutland. Blood samples for the biobank and for purification of DNA will be drawn from these patients.

Data and biological material

Purification of DNA and analyzation of genetic markers.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Sclerosis Clinic of South Jutland, Department of Neurology, Hospital of South Jutland

  • PhD-student Stefanie Binzer, MD
  • Professor Egon Stenager
  • Michael Binzer, MD
  • Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm
  • Professor Jan Hillert
  • Professor Kirsten Ohm Kyvik