OPEN Research Support

Consultant, PhD, Ass. Professor
Tobias Sejbæk
Esbjerg Hospital, University Hospital of Southern Denmark

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.04.2020  
Slut 31.03.2025  

EXIT20 Extended interval of anti-CD20 therapy and clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis during COVID-19

Short summary

to analyze individual dosing of a-CD20 during COVID-19


a-CD20 is only used with one dosing and one interval but other studies have suggested similar efficacy when using extended dosing interval (EID)

Description of the cohort

Patient with MS that had EID og regular interval during the COVID-19 pandemic

Data and biological material

serum, plasma and flowcytbmetry results

Collaborating researchers and departments

DMSG, Rigshospitalet Glostrup

  • Finn Sellbjerg
  • Stephan Brammow

Hillerød Hospital

  • Kamilla Østergaard

Viborg Hospital

  • Jonas Munksgaard

Aarhus Hospital

  • Morten Stilund

Odense Hospital

  • Zsolt Illes

Klinisk Immunologisk Afdeling, Odense

  • Christine Nielsson
  • Christian Nielsen


  • Joseph Sabatino