OPEN Research Support

Christoph Patrick Beier
Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.11.2020  
Slut 30.09.2022  

Predictors of social outcome of epilepsy patients

Short summary

Epidemiological data suggests that the social status of patients with genetic generalized epilepsy does not dependent on seizure control but that symptoms beyond epileptic seizures might be more crucial for the patients social outocome as compared to the general population. Using an online survey, we here try to test this hypothesis using questionaires regarding anxiety, personality traits and impulsivity.


Genetic generalized epilepsies are system disorders of the brain and epilepic seizures are just one symptom amongst others. Associated symptoms comprise increased impulsivity, reduced verbal fluency and possibly distinct personality traits. Anxiety may be secondary to seizures or an independent contributor.

Description of the cohort

Adult people with genetic generalized epilepsy

Data and biological material

Questionaires (BIS, EASI, MDI, SAPAS)