OPEN Research Support

Ulla Lei Larsen
Department of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark; University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.07.2021  
Slut 31.01.2023  

Enteral feed of critical ill infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia in the pre- and postoperative period.

Short summary

Infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia develop a defect of the diaphragm during pregnancy. The displaced abdominal organs compromise heart and lung function at birth and the infants need intensive care treatment and surgical repair. These infants are at risk of impaired growth. Our unit has practiced enteral feeding in the preoperative period for the past 25 years, which is in disagreement with the recent published European guidelines. We believe early enteral feeding provide the benefits


Part 1: Retrospective cohort study

1) Describe the current approach to feeding CDH-infants in the pre- and postoperative period at OUH.

2) Assess clinical outcomes: Primary outcomes; time to full enteral feeding and growth, Secondary outcomes; mortality, length of stay, time on mechanical ventilation, use of antibiotics and complications in terms of gastrointestinal issues and need for other surgical procedures.

Part 2: Register-based study

3) Describe growth and new admissions to hospital (focus on referrals for abdominal/growth issues and infections) up to age 5 yr.

Part 1: Will add valuable information on the initial treatment of CDH-infants, with the potential to enhance the benefits of breast milk and reduce the need for parenteral nutrition.

Part 2: Will add new information on growth and complications in early childhood. These issues have the potential to affect quality of life and the study will be the first to describe the Danish population of CDH-infants. The results will contribute to a better counseling of families expecting a CDH-child. These families are often faced with the decision of continuing the pregnancy or applying for a termination.

Description of the cohort

Infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia presenting with symptoms within the first 24 hours of life. All infants was treated at Odense University hospital, pediatric intensive care unit.

Data and biological material

Data is collected retrospectively (prospectively registered) fra medical journal and electronic critical information system (CIS)

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of abdominal surgery, University Hospital, Odense, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.

  • Prof Niels Qvist

Department of neonatology, HC Andersen Pediatric Hospital,University Hospital, Odense, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.

  • Prof Gitte Zachariasen