OPEN Research Support

Ulla Riis Madsen
REHPA, The Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 22.09.2022  
Slut 31.12.2032  

DanAmp - Danish Amputation Database

Short summary

DanAmp is a national research database. Through systematic monitoring and epidemiological descriptive and analytical research, we will describe and examine the perioperative trajectory after major leg amputation in Denmark. Further, we will explore the patients' HRQoL and functional capacity up to 3 years after the operation. Thus, by implementing DanAmp we wish to contribute to patients receiving the best possible quality of treatment regardless of region or hospital.


In Denmark, approx. 1,800 major leg amputations are carried out each year. The operations are distributed across 22 of the country's hospitals; some hospitals operate fewer than five, whereas others have up to 200 operations annually. There are local differences in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with lower leg amputation, and we do not know to what extent the existing recommendations for treatment, care and early rehabilitation are followed. Patients who undergo leg amputation are a fragile and often have several chronic diseases. Most leg amputations (96%) are due to chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes. The high incidence of comorbidity increases the risk of complications after surgery and often results in reduced functional capacity and quality of life. The extent of complications after the operation, such as pain, poor wound healing and mortality has not been well studied in a Danish context, but it is estimated that up to 23% of patients are re-operated and that the mortality after one year is between 37-50%.

The main purpose of the Danish Amputation Database (DanAmp) is to describe and investigate the perioperative trajectory after major leg amputation in Denmark through systematic monitoring and epidemiological descriptive and analytical research. Including examining the patients' health-related quality of life and functional capacity up to three years after the operation. Thus, the research will contribute to uncovering prognostic factors for a good or poor treatment result.

Description of the cohort

Patients undergoing major leg amputation in danish hospitals.

Data and biological material

Identification data, demographic data, health data (including comorbidity, quality of life and functional ability). Characteristics of surgery before, during and after the amputation.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, OUH

  • Dea Krogh Larsen

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, AUH

  • Rehne Lessmann Hansen
  • Per Hviid Gundtoft
  • Christen Ravn

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Aalborg University Hospital

  • Anne Mette Sørensen

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Slagelse og Næstved Sygehus

  • Henrik Vilsner
  • Veronica Leeberg

Department of Physiotherapy and occupational therapy, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital

  • Morten Tange Kristensen

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hvidovre Hospital

  • Poul Pedersen