OPEN Research Support

Cand. Cur Candidate
Maria Raun
Department of Emergency, Odense University Hospital

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 14.11.2022  
Slut 01.06.2023  

Nursing staff psychological well-being at an emergency department. A mixed methods study

Short summary

The shortage of nurses is a global concern, which has created focus on the staff's working conditions. Previous research shows that the care staff experience symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which affect their work satisfaction. Via questionnaire and interview, the aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression among the nursing staff, and what influences on this.


In working at an emergency department, the nursing staff experience a high stress level and an unpredictable everyday life. This causes an exciting and educational working environment, but can also affect the staff's psychological well-being. The country's emergency departments often consist of a large group of staff who frequently experience replacements, among other things due to illness, maternity and resignations. A Danish study shows that emergency departments around the country have up to twice as many sick calls as in the general department. The sick reports cover both physical and mental illness

The aim of this project is to obtain new knowledge about the prevalence of anxiety, stress and depressive symptoms, among the nursing staff in an Emergency Department. Moreover, which underlying factors influence this?

Description of the cohort

Care staff from an emergency department in the Region of Southern Denmark

Data and biological material

Questionnaire data and data from interviews

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Emergency, Odense University Hospital

  • Christina Østervang
  • Annmarie Lassen
  • Sune Laugesen