OPEN Research Support

Sven Karstensen
Department of Regional Health Research

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.11.2022  
Slut 31.10.2025  

Adult granulosacelle tumorer - kræftrelaterede mutationer og associerede cancere

Short summary

Adult granulosa cell tumors (aGCT) are rare cancers of the ovary. Women diagnosed with aGCT have an increased risk of developing breast and uterine cancers. We aim to establish a well described aGCT-cohort and perform tumor-DNA sequencing to explore if molecular changes can determine an increased risk of devoloping other primary cancers.


Adult granulosa cell tumors (aGCT) are rare cancers of the ovary. Most aGCT are diagnosed at an early stage and have favorable outcome. However, roughly 30% relapse and are difficult to treat. Additionally, women diagnosed with aGCT have an increased risk of developing breast and uterine cancers. Until now the primary source for this association has been reported in selected cohorts or case-series. We aim to establish a comprehensive aGCT-cohort and perform tumor-DNA sequencing to explore if molecular changes can determine an increased risk of devoloping other primary cancers.

Description of the cohort

Women diagnosed with aGCT from 1980-2022.

Data and biological material

Available formaline fixed paraffine embedded aGCT tumor tissue.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Patologisk afdeling, Herlev Hospital