OPEN Research Support

Astrid Damgaard
Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Research department, Sønderborg, Denmark.

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Open
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.04.2024  
Slut 31.03.2027  

Development and feasibility test of a COMbined Fatigue Intervention (COMFI)

Short summary

This study aims to develop and test a fatigue intervention that combines a cognitive-behavioral approach and support to manage physical activity and/or exercise (COMFI) for people with IA to reduce fatigue impact and coping. COMFI is an international study conducted in Denmark and Sweden, which consists of three sub-studies: Study 1: Development of COMFI, Study 2: Feasibility testing of COMFI, and Study 3: Evaluation of the participants' experiences from participating in COMFI.


Patients with inflammatory arthritis (IA) experience substantial fatigue despite pharmacological treatment, and 41-57% report severe fatigue. Fatigue is described as one of the most challenging symptoms to manage, and fatigue affects all aspects of daily life. Interventions with psychological approaches or physical activity can reduce the impact of fatigue in people with IA. So far, the combined effect of a psychological approach and physical activity on fatigue in patients with IA has not been examined.

Description of the cohort

All three studies will involve health professionals and patients associated to the Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases or Skåne University Hospital, Lund. The patients must be diagnosed with RA, PsA or axSpA, experience bothersome fatigue (visual analogue scale (VAS) fatigue ≥60).

Data and biological material

Questionnaires and measurements on physical activity/sedentary behaviour.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Danish Hospital for Rhematic Dieseases, Sønderborg, Denmark

  • Jette Primdahl
  • Kirsten Knak

Rheumatology Department, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

  • Elisabeth Mogard

Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol and The University of the West of England, Bristol, England

  • Emma Dures