OPEN Research Support

Thomas Guterbaum
Department of Medicine

Projekt styring
Projekt status    Active
Data indsamlingsdatoer
Start 01.07.2018  
Slut 01.03.2020  

Valvular and Myocardial affection in Patients with ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV)

Short summary

A descriptive study analyzing the myocardial and valvular status with echocardiography. Myocardial affection is analyzed with MRI and coronary artery status with CT-scan. The prevalence of tachy- or bradyarrythmias are to be analyzed using Holtermonitoring.


The cardiac affection of AAV is poorly described - especially valvular affection. This study aims to analyze and describe a group af patients with AAV systematically. Secondarily this study wishes to shed light on whether patients with AAV should be offered frequent cardiological assessment

Description of the cohort

Adult men and women diagnosed with ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

Data and biological material

Echocardiography, MRI of heart, CT-scan of heart, Holter-analysis and blood sample (Pro-BNP)

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Cardiology, Odense University Hospital,

  • PhD, DMSc,  Jordi Sanchez Dahl
  • PhD, Kristian Øvrehus

Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen Central Hospital

  • PhD, Redi Pecini

Department of Cardiology, Svendborg Hospital

  • Mirza Husic

Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital

  • PhD, Helle Laustrup
  • PhD, Anne Voss