Mie Dilling Kjær
Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital
Project management | ||
Project status | Active | |
Data collection dates | ||
Start | 01.02.2020 | |
End | 31.01.2022 | |
A life without stoma and a possibility of living without an inflammed, irritated and bleeding colon. Such is the reality of patients with ulcerative colitis whose colon is removed and an ileal reservoir (pouch) is constructed. 5-10% of these patients will se their pouch fail, thus making a permanent stoma inevitable. Perhaps we can lower this risk by identifying new risk factors.
When medical treatment for ulcerative colitis is insufficient, patients may need an ileo-pouch anal anastomisis (IPAA). Sometimes the pouch fails and the patient then needs a permanent stoma. Some pouch failure (PF) risk factors have been identified. However few studies have looked for correlationens between histopathological findings in resected rectal specimens and PF. We aim to study such possible correlations - especially rectal inflammation and PF
Patients with ulcerative colitis ?18 years old who have undergone pouch surgery at Odense Univeristy Hospital between 1983 and 2019. Approximately 550 patients wil be included in the study. Other diagnoses such as Crohns disease and dysplasia will be excluded.
Data from the patients' files such as demographics, preoperative medical treatment, surgerical complications, postoperative use of antibiotics and histopathological findings on resected rectum.