OPEN Research Support

Research Assistant
Alaa Hassan Burghle
Sygehusapotek Fyn, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.02.2020  
End 31.12.2020  

Delivery failures of medications at community pharmacies

Short summary

Shortages in medications is a subject that has a strong precense in the media, in the hospitals and in the community pharmacies. In Denmark, the delivery rate for medication is generally very high (98%), but there is an increasing trend of delivery failure for some medication packages.


Shortages in medications is a subject that has a strong precense in the media, in the hospitals and in the community pharmacies. In Denmark, the delivery rate for medication is generally very high (98%), but there is an increasing trend of delivery failure for some medication packages.

At the pharmacy, it is known which drugs the delivery shortage issue affects, but it is not known how many customers in the pharmacy counter deal with delivery shortages and how much time is spent on it.

Therefore, the project aims to shed light on the extent of  delivery shortages at community pharmacies:

· How many customer in the pharmacy counter, during a given period, deal with delivery shortages,

· Which drug(s) that are affected by delivery shortages.

· What is the time spent on servicing customers in the pharmacy counter, who deal with delivery shortages

· How many customers leave the pharmacy without treatment due to delivery shortages in the period (and which drugs are involved?)

Description of the cohort

Adults who present any prescription at the community pharmacy and is affected by shortages in delivery of medications. 

Collaborating researchers and departments

København Sønderbro Apotek, 

  • Msc. Pharm and owner of the pharmacy, Susanne Bendixen

København Sønderbro Apotek, 

  • Pharmaconomist, Julianne Marie Riis Hansen