OPEN Research Support

Dorte Glintborg
Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 10.05.2020  
End 01.01.2040  

Quality assurance and research database, Center of Gender Identity, Odense

Short summary

The term gender incongruence is used to describe individuals, whose gender identity differs from the assigned gender at birth. In a recent European study, 0.7- 1.1% of men and 0.6-0.8% of women reported incongruent gender identity, which would correspond to 50,000 persons with gender incongruence in Denmark. At present, around 600 persons with gender incongruence are referred annually to the CKIs in Copenhagen and Aalborg, Denmark, but the number of persons with gender incongruence attending health care facilities is increasing. As a consequence, a third Center for Gender Identity (Center for Kønsidentitet Odense; CKIO) is established at Odense University Hospital (OUH) in January 2020.


Study aim:

Prospective observational study in all persons referred to CKIO

· Population characteristics regarding hormone levels, safety parameters and clinical outcome before and after gender affirming hormone treatment.

Description of the cohort

Design and study population

Inclusion criteria: all persons with gender incongruence referred to CKIO (+18 years)

Exclusion criteria: none

Recruitment: CKIO, Odense University Hospital

Data and biological material

Study outcomes

Medical history

Chronic diseases, medication and supplements, alcohol, tobacco and abuse

Gynecological history in persons assigned female at birth

Clinical examination (will be collected at each visit)

Age, height, waist and hip circumference, body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)

Blood pressure

Blood samples



Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital

  • Dorte Glintborg
  • Louise Lehmann Christensen
  • Marianne Skovsager Andersen
  • Torben Bæk Klein
  • Tine Taulbjerg Kristensen
  • Jan Frystyk

Department of Gynecology, Odense University Hospital

  • Pernille Ravn