Nina Højer Hansen
Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital
Project management | ||
Project status | Active | |
Data collection dates | ||
Start | 01.03.2015 | |
End | 01.03.2018 | |
Morbus Hirschsprung (MH) is a congenital malformation of the intrinsic nervous system in the distal colon. The condition requires surgery with removal of the affected segment and, if possible, the continuation of the GI tractus is restored. Unfortunately, the functional results are not always satisfactory and the reason is far from fully understood. The aim of the study is to evaluate the functional result of surgery by registration of the operative technique and the course of the condition, QoL and continence questionnaires, scintigraphic defaecography and colonic transit time. Furthermore, we do a protein investigation of mucoproteins of the colon.
The Danish population of patients treated for MH has no systematic follow up after surgery and the knowledge of their functional outcome are not systematic evaluated. The condition is rare, seen in approximately in 1:5000 new-borns, girl-boy ratio 1:4. Absent of ganglionic cells accompanied by hypertrophic nerve fibre is the classical histological finding in MH.
We still do not have a good explanation for the dysmotility in the remaining gut. The protein investigation is a new way to explore the pathophysiology in the gut.
Study I: Descriptive study as mentioned in the short summery on patients with MH treated in the period 1985-1014 on OUH. Nearly 300 patients have been identified.
Study II: Protein profiling of the mucoproteins of the colon. We will obtain samples from the cohort from study I and from a prospective study on children during surgery for MH and from healthy control groups for both cohorts.
Bloodsample and biopsies obtained from the colonic mucosa during endoscopy and operation.
Register data and QoL questionnaires.
Scintigraphic defecography and colon transit time.
Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital
Centre for Clinical Proteomics, University of Southern Denmark