Karen Christiansen
Department of infectious diseases, Odense Universiry Hospital.
Project management |
Project status |
Open |
Data collection dates |
Start |
01.11.2020 |
End |
17.02.2028 |
Project in numbers
OPEN survey/clinical data |
Expected # of participants
3,000 |
Included # of participants
1,100 |
Included participants with specimens |
Specimens |
Odense University Hospital Post COVID Cohort - clinical database for long COVID symptoms and outcome.
Short summary
Clinical database for patients in our outpatient clinic with long COVID.
Quality control and data collection (PRO data and clinical data) to describe symptoms and outcome in long COVID.
Description of the cohort
Patients referred to our out patient clinic with long COVID from 2020 to now.
Data and biological material
questionnaire data, data from the patient journal, blood samples