OPEN Research Support

Professor, consultant physician
Bo Abrahamsen
Holbæk Hospital and OPEN Research

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 09.07.2024  
End 31.08.2031  

Early life determinants of skeletal maturation and endocrine health in young adults - A nationwide birth cohort study. (Knoglesundhed og hormonstatus hos unge voksne, EPIPEAK)

Short summary

In the current collaborative project across Denmark, we establish a new national cohort of 2,000 young adults randomly selected from the population register, where measurements of hormonal status, lipids, bone turnover markers, bone mineral density, fat mass and lean body mass at age 18 years are linked to data from the Danish health registers regarding previous medical and environmental exposures early in life, as well as epigenetic information dried blood spots archived at birth.


We hypothesize that exposure to suboptimal conditions and risk factors during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and birth, and subsequent lifestyle, poor health and adverse socioeconomics in childhood will adversely influence risk markers of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Specifically, endocrine epigenetic variation at birth can result from differences in maternal health, lifestyle, nutrition and medication usage and account for persistent epigenetic changes in gene expression and metabolism within the offspring cohort.

Description of the cohort

Random population sample of 2,000 18-year old healthy volunteers born and resident in Denmark, invited through national citizen register. See

Data and biological material

Blood (plasma), hair sample for cortisol measurement, DNA, DXA data, questionnaire information and subsequent pseudonymised register linkage for exposure data in early life and childhood.

Collaborating researchers and departments

SSI Statens Seruminstitut

  • Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm

Århus University Hospital

  • Bente Langdahl

Ålborg University Hospital

  • Peter Vestergaard

Parker Institute

  • Berit Heitmann
  • Mina Händel