OPEN Research Support

Christine Ravn Grimm
Department of gynecology and obstetrics, Hospital of Southern Jytland

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 01.03.2023  
End 02.02.2028  

Upright breech birth at Hospital of Southern Jytland

Short summary

Observational prospective study with data collection on all women giving birth to a breech baby from March 2023. Neonatal outcomes: Apgar <5/7, pH <7.0, and admission to the neonatal department. Maternal outcomes: Birth method, bleeding, and tearing.


In 2018, a new concept "upright breech" was implemented at Hospital og Southern Jytland. This concept is based on the shape of the pelvis and the assistance of gravity. Breech births were phased out after 2010 at many delivery centers around the world after "Term Breech Trial" showed an increased risk associated with breech deliveries. Since then, new studies have not been able to find the same increased risk profile for breech births. At the same time, there was increased attention on the birth method, which resulted in a new concept, "upright breech," that takes into account the shape of the pelvis and the help of gravity. This concept was implemented at Hospital of Southern Jytland in 2018. The purpose of this study is to assess the status of breech births at Hospital of Southern Jytland in relation to successful births and outcomes, particularly for the baby.

Description of the cohort

Inclusion: Singleton pregnancies with a breech baby, gestational age ≥34+0 weeks, expected birth weight 2500-4000g, and no contraindications for vaginal delivery at Hospital of Southern Jytland. Exclusion: Doubts about compliance and language barriers.

Data and biological material

Maternal data: parity, BMI, risk factors Baby's data: birth weight, Apgar, pH, admission to the neonatal department, CPAP The birth: CTG, induction, membrane rupture, length of the pushing stage, breech presentation at birth, maneuvers, the woman's birthing position in the last 5 minutes, time from breech to head delivery. Complications: tears, bleeding, cesarean section. Data collected via data sheets and chart reviews after written consent.