OPEN Research Support

Katrine Svenningsen
Research Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Research, Institute of Regional Health Research, Hospital of Southern Jutland

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.05.2015  
End 30.04.2018  

Use of pathological samples to clarify the interplay of gastrointestinal infl. and colorectal cancer

Short summary

We expect to identify genetic biomarkers predictive for colorectal cancer (CRC) development in patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and to gain a unique insight into the interplay of gastrointestinal inflammation and CRC carcinogenesis.


CRC is a heterogeneous disease entity caused by many different pathways such as inflammation.

Patients with IBD-related CRC represent a more homogeneous group of CRC patients in which inflammation and carcinogenesis is expected to be closely interconnected. By investigating the mechanisms underlying IBD-related CRC, we expect to reveal common inflammatory mechanisms of CRC carcinogenesis, which would be more difficult to identify by evaluating the whole and more heterogeneous group of CRC patients.

Description of the cohort

Using information from the National Patient Registry, the Danish Cancer Registry and Patobanken, we will identify cases with available pathological material throughout Denmark. We aim to find 500-600 cases with IBD-related CRC as well as 500-600 cases with CRC (non-IBD-related). Furthermore, DNA from blood samples of 1,050 IBD cases and 796 healthy controls (blood donors) have already been sampled and genotyped.

We plan to assess 50 mainly functional genetic polymorphisms in the inflammatory pathways.

Data and biological material

DNA from all participants will be sampled and genotyped.

We expect to retrieve the following data: diagnosis, treatment response, age, gender, disease location/distribution/severity/course, age at diagnosis, smoking status, operations, concomitant medication, associated diseases (arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum etc.), and familiar disposition.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Research Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Clinical Research

    Institute of Regional Health Research, Sygehus Sønderjylland

    • PhD-student Katrine Svenningsen, MSc
    • Associate Professor and main supervisor Vibeke Andersen, MD

    Center for Clinical Research, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Sygehus Vendsyssel, Hjørring

    • Clinical Professor and Supervisor Ulrik Baandrup, MD

    Department of Clinical Pathology, Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle

    • Supervisor Rikke Hjarnø Hagemann-Madsen, MD

    OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital

    • Professor and Supervisor Anders Green, MD, PhD

    National Institute of Occupational Health

    • Professor and Supervisor Ulla Vogel

    Department of Clinical Molecular Biology, Akershus University Hospital, University of Oslo, Norway

    • Professor and Collaboration Partner Stephan Brackmann

    Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel

    • Professor and Collaboration Partner Andre Franke