OPEN Research Support

MD, PhD, Ass. Professor
Mads Poulsen
Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 22.05.2019  
End 31.12.2034  

Multicenter development of liquid biopsy biomarkers for early detection of prostate cancer

Short summary

Hos de fleste patienter med prostatakræft, udvikler sygdommen sig langsomt og bliver aldrig livstruende. Hos andre, bliver den aggressiv og dødelig. Den aggressive form giver dog sjældent symptomer, før den har spredt sig. Vi ønsker at indsamle blod og urin fra mænd, der henvises til udredning, men henblik på at identificere brugbare markører, der kan forbedre mulighederne for tidlig opsporing af prostatakræft, samt forudsige om den er aggressiv eller ej.


Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer among Danish men. More than 4,000 are diagnosed annually, and approximately 1,300 men die each year from PC. Patients can roughly be divided into two categories: 1) those for whom the cancer remains localized and never becomes life-threatening, and 2) those for whom the cancer develops aggressively and spreads if not treated early. Symptoms of PC, however, typically appear late in the progression, by which time the cancer has often grown large and may have already spread. Therefore, it would be a great advantage if we could improve our ability to detect cancer as early as possible, allowing patients to receive treatment before the cancer becomes fatal. There has been significant focus on identifying biomarkers in men's blood and urine that can help predict whether a man might have PC, whether it is a clinically insignificant form, or whether it is a form that requires treatment. In this project, we aim to collect blood and urine samples from men referred to the Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital, for an MRI scan for possible PC. Additionally, surplus tissue samples will be collected if a biopsy is performed in connection with PC diagnosis. The overall objective of the project is to improve early detection and diagnosis of PC by evaluating known biomarkers, identifying new biomarkers, and describing the potential applications of these markers alone or in various combinations.

Description of the cohort

men reffered for suspicion of prostate cancer to the Department of Urology at Odense University Hospital

Data and biological material

Blod, urine Questionnaire Patient journal