OPEN Research Support

Martin Tepel
Department of Nephrology, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.01.2011  
End 31.03.2023  

Quantitative real time PCR of mRNA of genes after kidney transplantation

Short summary

The project will investigate immunosuppression and cellular functions by analyzing RNA of genes in blood cells and enzymes and proteins in plasma and urine from patients with kidney transplantation (recipients) and associated donors (if available).


The purpose of this is to give a/an background/introduction to the study as well as explaining the pur- pose of the study. This text will only be visible on the website if the headline "Rationale" is clicked on. Therefore it might be beneficial to also explain the purpose in the "short summary".

Kidney transplantation is beneficial for patients with end-stage renal disease. Monitoring after kidney transplantation is necessary to detect allograft function and navigate the mandatory immunosuppres- sive therapies. However, the tools for these analyses are limited and the outcome after kidney trans- plantation may be improved if analyses of RNA and proteins are conducted in blood cells, plasma and urine.

Description of the cohort

Patients (adults, men and women) with kidney transplantation (recipients) and associated donors (if available) from Odense University Hospital.

Data and biological material

Material (blood, cells, plasma, urine) and clinical data according to ethical approval.