OPEN Research Support

Signe Rønsholdt
Odense PIPAC Center, Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 01.02.2024  
End 01.01.2025  

The use of systemic treatment after Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in patients with peritoneal metastasis

Short summary

Kræftspredning til bughinden er vanskelig at behandle. Siden 2015 har over 300 danske patienter modtaget eksperimentel behandling med PIPAC (Pressurized Intra Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy). Flere videnskabelige studier har vist interessante overlevelsesdata. Effekten på overlevelsen efter PIPAC er vanskelig at skelne fra anden kræftbehandling og viden om patientgruppen og deres samlede forløb er mangelfuld. Dette studie skal belyse dette ved hjælp af data fra de store danske registre.


Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) was introduced in Denmark at Odense University Hospital in 2015 as an experimental, protocolled treatment of patients with peritoneal metastasis (PM). Since then, more than 300 patients have been treated with at least one PIPAC procedure at our center in Odense, in collaboration with hospitals from all Danish regions. Three prospective studies have been completed and published in international peer-reviewed journals. They have shown that PIPAC is feasible, safe, and able to induce histological regression in many patients, and survival rates are interesting. These findings are supported by other studies, but the number of prospective studies is low, and data from randomized studies are pending. Sixty percent of patients are treated with PIPAC as monotherapy, whereas 40 % are treated in combination with systemic treatment (bidirectional strategy). Some of the patients show remarkable survival, but the effect of PIPAC may be difficult to separate from mere selection or effect of systemic chemotherapy. Across all published PIPAC trials to date, survival has been reported from the date of the first PIPAC, but no studies have reported or investigated the use of systemic treatment after PIPAC. Due to our national registers, we have the opportunity to investigate the use of systemic treatment after terminated PIPAC treatment in Denmark. Also, we can investigate the patients' socioeconomic status, comorbidities, and the use of systemic treatment before and during PIPAC. Finally, we are able to describe the use of radiological and/or surgical interventions in these end-of-life patients.

Description of the cohort

Danish patients with peritoneal metastasis from various cancers who have received PIPAC directed therapy at Odense PIPAC Center in the period from 01.03.2015 to 01.10.2023.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Oncology, Aalborg University Hospital, Dr. Laurids Østergaard Poulsen. Collaborator at Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Dr. Anne Ramlov. Collaborator at Department of Oncology, Herning Hospital, Dr. Gabor Liposits. Collaborator at Department of Oncology, Herlev Hospital, Dr. Jakob Hagen Vasehus. Collaborator at Department of Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Dr. Lene Bæksgaard Jensen, Collaborator at Department of Oncology, Roskilde Hospital, Dr. Joanna Eliza Szpejewska