OPEN Research Support

Rasmus Hjelmar Petersen
Dept. of anesthesia, Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital and University of Southern Denmark. Finsensgade 35. 6700 Esbjerg

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 15.11.2024  
End 14.05.2028  

Placebo-controlled double-blind trial of the analgesic effect and safety of clonidine in patients after major abdominal surgery

Short summary

Clonidine has dual action. Being an analgesic and anxiolytic drug. It's given once after major abdominal surgery to patients diagnosed with cancer. Use of morphine the next 24 hours is the primary endpoint. Certain pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic aspects are measured thereby characterize efficacy in different subgroups. Chronic pain after 6 mo. are measured. We address the effect of certain genes on pain perception & the analgesic effect of clonidine & morphine.

Description of the cohort

Patients diagnosed with cancer sheduled for abdominal surgery

Data and biological material

Blod, maybe urine, demografic, diagnosis, quistionnaires, data from the patient journal, QST-measurements, monitoring data, verbal respons, use of medication

Collaborating researchers and departments

Klinisk Genom Center, Odense University Hospital and the University of Southern Denmark

    Dept. of Pharmacology. University Hospital of Cologne (Køln), Germany