OPEN Research Support

Physician, PhD
Amanda Dandanell Juul
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital/ Odense Respiratory Research Unit, University of Southern Denmark

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 01.03.2025  
End 23.01.2025  

Diagnosing peRipheral lung lesions with CRYO biopsies

Short summary

In this project the aim is to investigate whether cryo biopies are superior to forceps biopsies for diagnosing lung cancer in patient undergoing bronchoscopic biopsy. We plan to conduct a randomized controlled trial where all patient will receive both forceps biopsies and cryobiopsies, however not in the same order. This setup will allow us to compare biopsi modalities in completly identical setups.


Lung cancer in early stages are very difficult to diagnose since the small lung tumors are diffucult to obtain tissue from. Bronchoscopic biopsies have a low risk of complications however the result are often inconclusive. By improving the quality of the tissue specimen, the succesrate may be improved. The aim of the study is to investigate whether cryo biopsies are superior to forceps biopsies for diagnosing peripheral lung lesions.

Description of the cohort

Patients undergoing bronchoscopic biopsies due to suspicion of lung cancer

Data and biological material

We will collect data from patients records, information from the phycisian performing the bronchoscopic procedure as well as information from the pathologist assessing the tissue samples.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of pulmonary medicine, Næstved Hospital

  • Uffe Bødtger