OPEN Research Support

Physician, PhD-student
Søren Thorup Scheuer
Department of Regional Health Research, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg

Project management
Project status    Open
Data collection dates
Start 01.05.2024  
End 01.06.2027  

Diagnostic Value of Photon-Counting CT in Patients with Stents and Recurrent Stable Angina

Short summary

The study examines whether photon-counting CT can be used to investigate atherosclerosis in patients with stents in the heart's coronary arteries. This is achieved by direct comparison with two well-established investigation methods, 15O-H2O-PET and coronary angiography. In addition, the diagnostic accuracy for identifying in-stent restenosis using PCCT is investigated.


Coronary CT angiography (CTA) has emerged as the first line testing in the workup of suspected stable coronary artery disease. However, conventional CTA still has limited diagnostic capabilities for evaluating in-stent restenosis, due to insufficient image resolution and blooming artifacts hindering accurate assessment of stent lumen. In recent years, photon-counting CT (PCCT) technology has emerged in the field of CT imaging, providing greatly enhanced scanner resolution and reduced blooming artifacts. This study aims to validate photon-counting CT as a viable test for assessment of obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) in symptomatic patients who have previously undergone coronary stenting.

Description of the cohort

Prospective inclusion of 145 previously stentes patients who are referred for coronary angiography due to recurrent stable angina pectoris or angina equivalent. Patients are included from four cardiology departments in Region of Southern Denmark (OUH, Odense; SLB, Vejle; SHS, Aabenraa and SVS, Esbjerg.).

Data and biological material

Blood samples: kidney function, Hgb, INR, platelets, LDL, HDL, Material from patient journals: List of medication, left ventricle ejection fraction, age, BMI, ECG, allergies, information on previously performed PCI registered in the Heart Registry of Western Denmark. Pseudononymized data: Coronary CT-angiography, H2O-15-PET and croronary angiography including measures obtained by FFR and IVUS.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Cardiology, Vejle Hospital

  • Dilek Hunerel Alan

Department of Cardiology, Aabenraa Hospital

  • Saboor Kabir

Odense University Hospital

  • Lisette Okkels Jensen