OPEN Research Support

Rikke Ruager
H.C. Andersens Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.03.2014  
End 23.09.2043  

Nordacool - Nordic database for newborn infants suffering from HIE treated with hypothermia

Short summary

The goal is to set up a research database for infants suffering from moderate to severe birth asphyxia treated with hypothermia. The data base should contain clinical data from the initial treatment as well as follow up data at 24 months of age. The database should harbor data from all the Nordic countries.


Peripartum asphyxia affects app. 3-5 per 1000 live born infants. From this group 0.5-1 per 1000 live born infants will suffer moderate to severe encephalopathy. Worldwide, 10-60% of infants suffering from HIE will die and at least 25% will survive with neurological deficit. Therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy became the standard of care after a series of studies including in excess of 1500 infants which demonstrate a significant reduction in risk of death and severe neurological disability.

This is a very vulnerable group of infants whom we submit to 72 hours of hypothermia. It is important that we still learn from experience hence the need for at database.

Description of the cohort

All infants undergoing therapeutic hypothermia for HIE in Scandinavia.

Data and biological material

We collect clinical data from the first seven days of admission and follow-up data on motor, cognitive and social skills when the child is 24 month of age.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University Hospital

  • Consultant neonatologist Lars Bendner

Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital

  • Staff grade Kasper Kyng, PhD

Department of Paediatrics Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet

  • Consultant Neonatologist Anne-Mette Baek Jensen

Department of Paediatrics Odense University Hospital

  • Consultant neonatologist Anne Rikke Ruager

Department of Paediatrics, The Natioanl Hospital, Oslo, Norway

  • Consultant Neonatologist Per Arne Tølløfsrud

Department of Clinical Sciences, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Consultant Neonatologist Boubou Hallberg

Department of Paediatrics, Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland

  • Consultant Neonatologist Metsaranta Marjo

Landspitali University Hospital, Reykavik, Iceland

  • Consultant Neonatologist Sveinn Kjartansson