OPEN Research Support

Niels Bilenberg
Department of Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.01.2017  
End 30.11.2025  

Clinical Research Database - Developmental Psychopathology in Child- and Adolescents Psychiatry, Odense

Short summary

Developmental Psychopathology includes early onset neurobiological etiology conditions, which distorts the child's cognitive, social and emotional development.

The project is intended to establish a database of prospectively incident patients diagnosed with

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD)
  • Tics/Tourette Syndrome (TS)
  • Early-onset psychosis (EOS)
  • The basic purpose is to recruit patients to participate in specific trials.

Furthermore, we intend to include retrospective patients in the database, diagnosed as above at the dept. of Child and Adolescents Psychiatry, Odense, since January 1th 1994 (ICD-10).


Children and adolescents are increasingly being referred and diagnosed with psychiatric diagnoses. The increase is exponential, and psychopathology currently occurs in 10-15% of the child population.

Psychopathology in childhood has major negative consequences for both the child and the family, and despite high society costs, progression in our understanding of the underlying mechanisms for developmental psychopathology is limited. In addition, efficient treatment methods are also sparse. 

Description of the cohort

Our aim is to obtain informed consent from all patients who get the diagnoses listed above, and include them in the database. We will recruit patients from our outpatient clinic in Odense, age 0 to 19 years.

The main purpose with the database is to constitute the basis for numerous research projects, dealing with epidemiology, etiology, prevention and intervention within the field of developmental psychopathology.     

Data and biological material

We have designed a database to collect data of variating kind; demographically, psychometry, biologically, etc., to enable studies of the phenomenological and biological conditions that characterize the disorders.