OPEN Research Support

Anders Green
OPEN Odense Patient data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.12.2016  
End 31.12.2017  

ONROCAD Incidence Analysis

Short summary

The Romanian National Diabetes Register was established in 1996 and contains information on all cases of childhood-onset diabetes aged 0-14 years (since 2002 covering up to age 18 years). Previous work has found support of changes in incidence rate over time and across administrative regions within Romania, as well as variability by age and sex.

The present study concerns an up-to-date statistical analysis of the complete ONROCAD data set to confirm and analyze further the pattern of incidence of diabetes with onset in children and young adults in Romania.


Information on the pattern of occurrence of diabetes in children and young adults is needed for planning purposes and for increasing awareness of this disease among Romanian pediatricians.

Description of the cohort

All incident cases of childhood diabetes (aged 0-14, since 2002 0-18 years of age) registered with the Romanian National Organization for the Protection of Children and Adolescents with Diabetes (ONROCAD) from all pediatricians, diabetologists and endocrinologists who treat diabetes in children and adolescents in Romania, supplemented with registrations from the "Cristian Serban" Medical Center (European reference center for pediatric diabetology in Romania).

Data and biological material

  • Age at diabetes onset
  • Sex
  • Time of diabetes onset
  • Residence (at level af administrative region) at onset

Collaborating researchers and departments

National Romanian Organisation for the Care of Diabetic Children and Adolescents (ONROCAD)

  • Associate Professor and President of ONROCAD Adrian Vlad