OPEN Research Support

Clinical nursing specialist
Julie Hansen
Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.01.2017  
End 31.12.2018  

Hyperhidrosis: a longitudinal study exploring patient-reported quality of life through derma-tology- and disease specific Quality of Life Instruments

Short summary

This is a clinical longitudinal study, performed in individuals with hyperhidrosis. The objective of the study is to conduct a descriptive analysis of a hyperhidrosis cohort, to explore the impact of hyperhidrosis and whether patient-reported measures of QoL will improve after treatment. With the use of three validated questionnaires, this project will clarify previously unknown knowledge about Danish patients with hyperhidrosis and more specifically contribute to the knowledge about patient-reported outcome after treatment, at the Department of Dermatology OUH. 


Hyperhidrosis is a disorder characterized as perspiration in excess of the body's physiologic need. Prevalence rates of hyperhidrosis are not available in Denmark, however estimated rates in Germany (4.6%), the US (4.8%), and Sweden (5.5%) indicate that the disorder is fairly common within western countries. In recent years our department has experienced a fourfold increase in patients diagnosed with hyperhidrosis. Meanwhile existing knowledge about the population is sparse. We are initiating this study to shed light on a disorder not fully understood, with the purpose to increase quality of clinical practice and patient satisfaction. 

Description of the cohort

Recruitment will take place at the Department of Dermatology in Odense University Hospital. Within a one year period we are expecting to enroll 200 newly referred patients who will be followed until one of the following events occur: patient is withdrawn from treatment or patient is placed on maintenance treatment.

Inclusion criteria:

  • Newly referred patients with ICD-diagnosis code R61
  • Men and women 18 years or older

Exclusion criteria:

  • Severe illnesses
  • Cognitive impairments preventing participants to fill out distributed questionnaires
  • Inability to read and understand Danish language 

Data and biological material

At baseline visit following data will be gathered:

Demographic data: age, gender, marital status, educational level, occupation

Clinical data: site of hyperhidrosis, age of onset, family predisposition, previous surgery

In contribution validated questionnaires will be applied to measure disease severity and disease specific QoL.

At follow-up visits measures will be repeated to associate scores before and after treatment.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre I, Odense University Hospital

  • Associate professor Anette Bygum, MD
  • Development nurse Anette Stensgaard, MSc, PhD