OPEN Research Support

Clinical nursing specialist
Julie Hansen
Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.10.2016  
End 31.12.2018  

Hyperhidrosis Database

Short summary

All patients diagnosed with hyperhidrosis will be asked about permission to extract clinical information from their records. The purpose is to establish a platform from where new scientific knowledge can be generated. The database is to our knowledge the first of its kind, and will serve as an important means to increase quality of clinical practice. 


Hyperhidrosis is a disorder characterized as perspiration in excess of the body's physiologic need. Prevalence rates of hyperhidrosis are not available in Denmark, however estimated rates in Germany (4.6%), the US (4.8%), and Sweden (5.5%) indicate that the disorder is fairly common within western countries. In recent years our department has experienced a fourfold increase in patients diagnosed with hyperhidrosis. Meanwhile existing knowledge about the population is sparse. With the establishment of this database we can retrieve important information about specific parameters, and through scientific publications report and explain our findings to the wider world. The database is to our knowledge the first of its kind, and will serve as an important means to increase quality of clinical practice. 

Description of the cohort

All patients with hyperhidrosis

Data and biological material

The stored data will include:

Objective data: demographics, diagnosis, treatment, prescription drugs, laboratory tests, disease severity (HDSS-score)

Subjective data: impact on daily life, knowledge on family predisposition

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre I, Odense University Hospital,

  • Professor Anette Bygum, MD, DMSc
  • Development nurse Anette Steensgaard, MSc, PhD

Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

  • Professor Peter Licht, MD, PhD

Department of Human Genetics

  • Professor Jens Michael Hertz, DMSc