Gert Frank Thomsen
Department of Occupational and Environmental medicine
Project management | ||
Project status | Active | |
Data collection dates | ||
Start | 01.02.2017 | |
End | 31.12.2023 | |
During the last ten years there have been several political initiatives to increase the age of withdrawal from the labour market. We plan to establish a cohort of people in the late years of their working life to investigate to what extent health conditions are important for withdrawal and whether there are professions or trades, where preventive measures are especially needed to reduce health effects and the risk of preterm retirement.
Several legislative interventions with both economic incentives and postponing of rights have been initiated since 2006 in order to delay withdrawal. This has led to a heated debate about people being worn out, but little up to date evidence exists. The work conditions have changed a lot during the last decades, reducing the ergonomic loads in many, but not all, occupations. Recent studies have shown that the physical strains at work e.g. in cleaning are near or above the accepted limits compared to the muscle strength in women the late fifties. Many studies have shown that overweight leads to degenerative changes, which resembles the changes caused by occupational strains, but few studies have focused on the combined effects.
The aims of the study:
The study has three parts
Questionnaire will sent to the 23.780 citizens in Esbjerg Municipality age 50-65 years
Random 10 % = 2378 will be invited to interview and clinical examination
Questionnaire on health, occupation and lifestyle
Interview: Detailed data on occupational history, physical and psychosocial health
Clinical data: Muscle strength, agility, coordination, BMI, Spirometry
Department of occupational medicine, Hospital of Southwest Jutland
Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark/Department of Orthopaedics, Lillebaelt Hospital