Medical student
Katrine Tholstrup Bech
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital
Project management | ||
Project status | Active | |
Data collection dates | ||
Start | 09.01.2017 | |
End | 01.05.2017 | |
We would like to investigate how many of our patients, that are operated due to malignant or benign cerebral neoplasia have epilepsy before the procedure, and how many that develop epilepsy after hand.
Some patients develop epilepsy as a result of growths in- and outside the brain. For some the epilepsy is a debut symptom, and for others the epilepsy develops after the surgical removal or the growth. In Denmark, the administration a prophylactic anti-epileptic treatment isn't given to patients with growths in- or outside the brain.
In an American study, it was proved that 10-15% of patients with benign cerebral neoplasias on the cortex of the brain developed epilepsy after surgical treatment. In the US, the indications for initiation of an anti-epileptic to patients with intracranial tumors are more suitable than in Denmark.
With this study we wish to investigate how many patients that were treated in OUH develops epilepsy postoperatively. The decisive question is to investigate if patients need a prophylactic anti-epileptic treatment preoperatively.
Medical journals (electronic patient record system) of about 1350 patients inbetween 2007 - 2015. Data about age, sex, diagnosis, preoperatively: neurological and systematic symptoms, comorbidity, epilepsy in anamnesis and anti-epileptic treatment, postoperatively: complications, neurological and systemic, administration date, epilepsy presence and anti.epileptic treatment, tumor localization, tumor size, scanningcharacteristics, and hitol- ogy results.
It includes patients, at the Neurosurgical department, Odense University Hospital (OUH), that have had surgery for brain cancer (C71.X) or benign cerebral neoplasia (D32.0) in the period 1.1.2007 to 31.12.2015. Patients are via the electronic patient record system based on diagnosis codes.
Department of Neurosurgery, Odense University Hospital