OPEN Research Support

Karen Middelbo Buch-Olsen
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.05.2017  
End 31.12.2018  

Variation in physiological uptake of DOTA-TATE and DOTA-NOC in the liver- and the impact on Krenning score and treatment planning.

Short summary

Patients with neuroendocrine tumors are referred to our department for a DOTATATE or DOTANOC PET/CT scan, as the neuroendocrine tumor overexpress somatostatin-receptors, and these tracers are somatostatin-analogues. The scan is made to stage the patients or to confirm metastatic foci, and to evaluate if the patient can be given treatment with a radioactive isotope. There is physiological uptake in liver and spleen, and these organs are used as background level in each patient when we evaluate the tumor. DOTATATE and DOTANOC uptake in malignant tissue is graded according to physiological uptake in liver and spleen (Krenning score).


In our daily practice we get the feeling that there are variations in the physiologic uptake in the liver and spleen between patients and in the same patient in different scans, which may influence our Krenning grading and therefore the choice of treatment.

Krenning score is DOTATATE or DOTANOC uptake lower than (grade 1), equal to (grade 2), or greater than (grade 3) normal liver tissue; or higher than normal spleen or kidney uptake (grade 4).

We also want to find out if we can find the cause of the difference, treatment? The patients clinical status? Tracer specifications? Blood test? Pathology (somatostatinrecepter-status in the tumor)? 

Description of the cohort

Patients who has had a DOTANOC/-TATE PET/CT performed at department of nuclear medicine in 2016. We will look at these patients earlier and later scans for comparison.

Data and biological material

Data will be collected from the medical files and will be clinical status, treatment given, answer of pathological examinations, imaging, blood tests as well as chemical information of the given tracer of the DOTANOC/-TATE PET/CT-scan. No biological material is collected in the study.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital

  • Oke Gerke
  • Mie Holm Vilstrup
  • Anne Lerberg Nielsen
  • Karen Middelbo Buch-Olsen