OPEN Research Support

Camilla Bille
Department of Plastic Surgery, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.07.2017  
End 01.04.2018  

Primary Breast reconstruction with acellular matrix - a single surgeon, retrospective cohort study on outcome and complications

Short summary

This is a retrospective cohort study analyzing data collected from women, who have undergone mastectomy, either due to breast cancer or as a preventive measurement. Multiple studies have described primary and secondary reconstructions without differentiating between the factions of women. In this study, we have focused on complications and outcome, and compared the Tigr mesh with the stratis mesh. We also divided the women into different categories accounting to surgical procedure, age, smoking-satus etc. 


One in nine women in the north are diagnosed with breast cancer. Large proportions of these women are treated with mastectomy and immediately chose to undergo reconstruction. In Odense, Camilla Bille has treated more than 160 women with immediate/primary breast reconstruction, using both Tiger- and Stratis mesh. This study is a retrospective collection of data regarding outcome and complications of a single surgeon. We did not focus on drainage time and volume, as these data were collected separately and will be published independently. 
Our primary focus was to evaluate the procedure and matrix used in the reconstruction and enhance the quality of treatment and postoperative results in our patients.

Description of the cohort

The inclusion criteria were simple: no need for postoperative radiation and technical measures allowing for surgical reconstruction.
Our cohort was constructed of women from Denmark, 160 in total, all referred to Odense University Hospital. All women underwent nipple- or skin sparring mastectomies due to breast cancer or genetic predispositions (preventative measurement). Some women were only treated on one side, some women on both.

They were all seen by Chief Surgeon Camilla Bille and operatively treated by her alone (single surgeon). 

Data and biological material

The data is solely collected from 'Cosmic', the patient-chart-system, and focuses on the following:

Co-morbidities: High blood-pressure, diabetes, vascular/cardiac disease, obesity, smoking

Pre-operative radiation

Time of admission: days/hours

Major complications post-operative: Explantation, hematomas, systemic infection demanding IV antibiotics, ruptured incisions

Minor complications: minor infections, minor wound-necrosis, minor healing difficulties,

Follow up: Min. 6 months, some up to 18 months