OPEN Research Support

Susanne Schmidt Pedersen
Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.08.2017  
End 31.12.2017  

Experiences with patient involvement among health care professionals

Short summary

In the past decades, patient involvement in own treatment and care has become an objective for the health care system in Denmark. An important resource in the involvement of patients is the health care professionals. This is a cross-sectional questionnaire study with the aim of investigating the health care professionals' experiences with and attitudes towards patient involvement, and their perception of barriers and facilitators of patient involvement. In addition, the association between the health care professionals' experiences with patient involvement and their perception of the working environment is investigated.   


Patient involvement is a goal of the health care system; however, it is not always satisfactorily implemented. An important resource in the involvement of patients is the health care professionals. One of the reasons why patient involvement may not be optimally implemented is barriers perceived by the health care professionals. In order to get more knowledge of these potential barriers, this study investigates the health care professionals' experiences with and attitudes towards patient involvement, and their perception of barriers and facilitators associated with patient involvement. In addition, the association between the health care professionals' experiences with patient involvement and their perception of the working environment is investigated.   

Description of the cohort

This is a cross-sectional study including health care professionals working at a number of Danish hospitals.