OPEN Research Support

Professor and Consultant
Lars Lund
Department of Urological Surgery, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.01.2003  
End -  

Undersøgelse af de molekylære aspekter af blodtryksreguleringen og elektrolyttransport i den humane nyre

Short summary

Patients subjected to nephrectomy at Odense University hospital after informed consent donate samples of normal kidney tissue and tumor tissue left after pathological diagnosis. Tissue is snap frozen and paraffin embedded. Basic patient data and medication are registered in a database. Samples of tissue is used for ex vivo studies of vessel and tubule function. Stored tissue is used in 2 types of investigations: 1) oncology/survival/tumormarker studies 2) basic physiological/pathophysiological studies.  


The project is primarily a biobank. It has 3 major lines of research. 

1. Acute ex vivo experiments: The effekt of vasoactive substances e.g. angiotensinII on isolated human intrarenal arteries in relation to gain a better understanding of regulation of renal vascular resistance and pathophysiology.

2. Acute ex vivo experiments: The effect of substances that affect the renal epithelium: fibrosis/inflammation and solute and water transport (e.g. diuretics) using kidney slices and isolated nephron segments with the aim to understand better normal epithelial function and differentiation and early mechanisms of fibrosis.

3. Retrospective experiments:  Quantitative and qualitative analyses (PCR, immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry) detecting biomarkers,receptors, ionchannels and solute transporters in normal tissue  and tumor tissue. Such investigations are coupled with the medication just prior to nephrectomy. Such information can be used to detect changes and regulation of transporters in the kidney tissue. 

Description of the cohort

All patients subjected to nephrectomy both partial and total above the age of 18. Both genders.

Data and biological material

Data that are registered: date of birth, weight, height, current and previous pharmacological treatment, current and previous diagnoses of disease.

Tissue that is sampled: Kidney cortex, outer and inner medulla is snap frozen. Tumor tissue is snap frozen.

A piece of normal and of tumor tissue is embedded in paraffin for histochemistry. 

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital

  • Prof Lars Lund
  • Consultant Anja Toft,

Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital

  • Prof. Niels Marcussen
  • Dr. med. Assoc. Prof Kirsten Madsen, PhD

Department of Cardiovascular and Renal Research & Institute of Molecular Medicine

  • Assoc. Prof. Henrik Dimke, Phd; 
  • Prof. Boye L Jensen, Phd, dr med. 
  • Assoc. Prof Per Svenningsen PhD