OPEN Research Support

Charlotte Guldborg Nyvold
Department of Hematology, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.06.2016  
End 01.06.2026  

Genetic characterization of B cell neoplasms

Short summary

The main aim of the project is to explore the biology of lymphoid neoplasms. Samples from patients diagnosed with B cell neoplasms are collected and stored together with clinical information in a REDCap database. 


Haematological neoplasm is a heterogeneous enclave, with respect to presentation and prognosis, and can, to a wide extent, be characterized by genetic and epigenetic alterations of the malignant cells defining subgroups of the disease. However, molecular signatures are still lacking for a substantial number of cases, and progression of subclones may confuse the molecular surveillance of the disease. In order to implement the new generation of targeted drugs, careful molecular characterization is a prerequisite to target the disease successfully, thereby enhancing the chance of remission induction.

The aim of our project is to explore the biology of the B cell diseases. We will investigate the genome, transcriptome and methylome in order to identify changes which influence the disease development and progression. These aberrations will be further investigated in functional cell culture studies.

The patient cohort consists of samples from patients with B cell neoplasm that are collected and stored in a biobank. Information regarding the samples, both biological and clinical, is stored in a REDCap database. The cohort consist of patients who have received/or will be receiving treatment in the timespan from 2000-2026. The retrospective cohort (2000-2016) is based on samples from the clinical biobank whereas samples from 2016-2026 are collected prospectively.

Based on previous research data in other types of cancer, this project will add valuable information in relation to the molecular heterogeneity in patients with B cell neoplasm and might have impact on the understanding on the choice of targeted therapy in the future.

Description of the cohort

Patients diagnosed with B cell neoplasms are included in the database.

Data and biological material

We collect cells from blood, bone marrow, spinal fluid, pleura, skin, and other tissue that may contain neoplastic cells. Data regarding biological material, diagnostic tests and clinial information can be stored in the REDCap database.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Haematology, Odense University Hospital

  • Molecular Biologist Oriane Cédile, MSc PhD
  • PhD student Simone Valentin Hansen, MSc
  • PhD student Marcus Celik Hansen, MSc
  • Professor Niels Abildgaard, MD, PhD
  • Professor Henrik Frederiksen, MD, PhD
  • Consultant Jacob Haaber, MD, PhD
  • Consultant Thomas Stauffer Larsen, MD, PhD

Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital

  • Molecular Biologist Thomas Kielsgaard Kristensen, Msc, PhD
  • Consultant Michael Boe Møller, MD, PhD