OPEN Research Support

Anette Werner
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hosptial

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.12.2017  
End 01.12.2019  

Solo mothers - How to support them during pregnancy and prepare them for childbirth and parenthood

Short summary

The amount of women actively choosing to become single mothers is increasing. They are referred to as solo mothers. This project focuses on gaining knowledge on their requirements during the pregnancy, the childbirth and the postnatal period and aim to develop an antenatal package to support them.


Women actively choosing to become single mothers are referred to as solo mothers. The amount of children born to single mothers is increasing and they constitute approximately 3 % of the national birth cohort in Denmark.  

Research has shown that the majority of single mothers previously had been in long term relationships without having children. According to sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes towards motherhood they did only differ slightly when compared to cohabiting women. They were a bit older. Single mother by choice was not their preferred way of being a parent. However they wished to become a mother before time was running out. Little is known about solo mothers' requirement during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period.

The Danish Health Authority recommends that all pregnant women and couples are offered antenatal education and that antenatal packages tailored to women with special psychosocially, culturally and linguistically needs and competences should be available as well. Solo mothers might need another kind of support and care compared to women living in a relationship. It is of great importance to support this group of women as single mothers in general are more vulnerable to stressful events. 

This project focuses on solo mother's requirements. The aim of the study is to gain knowledge about solo mothers and explore their requirements during the pregnancy, the childbirth and the postnatal period and develop an antenatal package to support solo mothers. Further on solo mother's coping strategies in the post-natal period will be explored. 

Description of the cohort

Women who actively chose to become single mothers without a partner before the pregnancy occurred will be included. The women should be referred to the Obstetric Department at Kolding Hospital, a part of Hospital Lillebaelt, Odense University hospital, or The Ju????liane M?arie Centre at Rigshospitalet. The eligibility criteria will further on be: No chronical diseases, singleton pregnancy, older than 18 years and able to understand and speak Danish.

Data and biological material

The chosen research design is Participatory Design with the purpose of involving the participants in designing an antenatal package.  Different qualitative methods and user activities will be applied and the study will be divided into three phases. First solo mothers requirements during the pregnancy, the childbirth and the postnatal period will be explored, second a "solution" will be developed and third the "solution" will be evaluated.