MD, PhD, Postdoc researcher Mette Munk Lauridsen Department of Gastroenterology and hepatology, Hospital of South West Jutland, Esbjerg
Project management
Project status
Data collection dates
Project in numbers
OPEN survey/clinical data
Expected # of participants
Included # of participants
OPEN Biobank
Included participants with specimens
Prognostic Signifcance of Fatty Liver Disease in Bariatric Patients (PROMETHEUS)
Short summary
We examine the prevalence and prognostic significance of fatty liver disease in persons with BMI above 35 who undergo bariatric surgery and in a control group who do not.
The novelty is that we do serial liver and fat tissue biopsies at inclusion, at surgery and after 24 months. Further, we do extensive biobanking.
The project is a collaboration between ATLAS Centre at SDU, FLASH Center at OUH and Hospital of South West Jutland.
Fatty liver disease is rapidly becoming the leading cause for liver disease in the Western World. This is consequence of the incresing prevalence of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. The treatment we offer for morbid obesity is bariatric surgery. The hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome is not routinely evaluated prior to surgery and consequently we lack knowledge on the prevalence and prognostic signifcance of variuos degrees of fatty liver disease i.e. steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatits and fibrosis.
Description of the cohort
Inclusion criteria intervention group:
Age > 18 yrs.
BMI >35 kg/m2 and referred for bariatric surgery at Hospital of South West Jutland
Can give informed consent.
Inclusion criteria control group:
Age > 18 yrs
BMI >35 kg/m2 and no wish for bariatric surgery.
Can give informed consent
Exclusion criteria:
Aktive viral hepatitis
Contraindications to liver biopsi.
Cancer or other comorbidity with life expectancy under 12 months.