OPEN Research Support

Project director
Anette Søgaard Nielsen
Research Unit of Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.12.2017  
End 31.05.2018  


Short summary

The study is a feasibility study of internet-based treatment for alcohol use disorder. The study is carried out among three municipal alcohol treatment centers and lasts for 6 months. The participants are 6 therapists and 30 patients. Data is gathered by the means of questionnaires and interviews. The purpose of the study is to assess feasibility: preliminary effects, utility, acceptability and possible adverse effects.


The purpose of the study is to assess feasibility: preliminary effects, utility, acceptability and possible adverse effects.

Treatment protocol, online modules and procedures for access and data flow will be pilot tested in order to explore usability, acceptability, technical and organizational integration, adaption to Danish context and preliminary efficacy of the intervention.

Two therapists from each participating alcohol treatment institutions (Haderslev, Kolding, and Svendborg) will implement Blend-A in at least five individual treatment pathways (N=30 patients). The treatment protocol will be adjusted during the testing process. The pilot test will run for six months.

Subsequently, focus group interview will be conducted with all participating therapists and individual semi-structured interviews will be conducted with six patients.

Description of the cohort

Participants are recruited from 3 municipal alcohol treatment centers; Haderslev, Kolding, and Svendborg. In total, 6 therapists and 30 patients will be recruited; 2 therapists and 10 patients from each center. The patients are adults suffering from an alcohol use disorder. 

Data and biological material

Data will be gathered by the means of questionnaires and interviews.

During the feasibility study, the 30 patients will be invited to fill out the System Usability Scale (10 questions on feasibility each with answer possibilities on a 5 point Likert scale) every other week.  

After the study, semi-structured individual interviews will be conducted with 2 patients from each center.

Additionally, a focus group interview will be conducted with the 6 therapists.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Centre for Telepsychiatry, Mental Health Services in the Region of Southern Denmark

  • Team Lead Marie Paldam Folker
  • Special consultant Johan Rasmussen

Unit of Clinical Alcohol Research, Clinical Department, University of Southern Denmark

  • Associate Professor Anette Søgaard Nielsen
  • Postdoc Kristine Tarp