OPEN Research Support

Lars Henrik Jensen
Department of Oncology, Lillebaelt Hospital, Vejle

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 06.07.2012  
End 30.06.2019  

Plasma concentration of erlotinib and cell-free DNA as markers for adverse events and effects of erlotinib for biliary and lung cancer

Short summary

Erlotinib is used in several cancers and wee need markers of effect and toxicity to guide the individual patients. In this study, we evaluate plasma concentration and plasma cell free tumor DNA as biomarkers.


Elotinib is a protein kinase inhibitor with anti-cancer properties. The is a large inter-individual variation in plasma concentration of the drug and this is not taken into account in daily clinic where the drug is given in a standard dose of 150 mg daily. Dose modifications are based on tolerability alone. Tumor specific DNA is continuously shed into the plasma with a half-life of 1/2-2 hours. Whis sensitive detection methods, it may be possible to reflect tumor activity by measuring the level of tumor DNA.

Description of the cohort

We include patients with lung cancer or biliary tract cancer who are planned to receive erlotinib monotherapy or in combination with other cancer drugs.

Data and biological material

We collect demographics, clinical data, outcome data (response, progression and survival) and toxicity.

At baseline and during treatment plasma samples are collrected.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Oncology, Vejle Hospital

  • Professor Anders Jakobsen
  • Associate Professor Lars Henrik Jensen

Department of Biochemistry, Vejle Hospital

  • Associate Professor Jonna Skov Madsen