OPEN Research Support

Jakob Linnet
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicines, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.05.2018  
End 31.12.2018  

The effect of gambling disorder treatment

Short summary

The project is a prospective study of the effect of gambling disorder treatment, which is funded by the Ministry of Health. Patients and relatives volunteer for free treatment or counseling, and consent to participation in the project. Information about treatment and counseling is stored in REDCap. Data on effect variables are collected prior to treatment enrollment, after treatment completion, and during follow-up (3, 6, 9 and 12 months after treatment completion). The project is not a clinical randomized study, and does not use biobank data.


The project is a prospective study of the effect of gambling disorder treatment, which is funded by the Ministry of Health. Patients and relatives volunteer for free treatment or counseling.

Patients consent to participation in the project, including the retrieval and disclosure of information that may be beneficial or relevant for the treatment (e.g., information to or from general practitioner, hospital departments, relatives, employer, etc.). The consent is voluntary and information is shared only with the persons or organizations the patient gives consent to. Relatives also give consent to participation in the project.

Information about treatment and counseling is stored in REDCap. Patients are screened and assessed for gambling disorder and co-morbid psychiatric disorders using the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM (SCID-I). In addition, data are collected using questionnaires related to demographics, gambling disorder (SOGS), depression (MDI) etc,. Data on effect variables are collected prior to treatment enrollment, after treatment completion, and during follow-up (3, 6, 9 and 12 months after treatment completion).

The project is not a clinical randomized study, and does not use biobank data.

Description of the cohort

Adults over the age of 18. Men and women suffering from gambling disorder, and relatives to individuals suffering from gambling disorder.

Publications associated with the project

Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

  • Consultant Lars Brandt