OPEN Research Support

PhD student
Pia Lysdal Veje
Kong Christian X's Gigthospital, Gråsten

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 18.04.2016  
End 15.08.2019  

Traditional bed bath with soap and water or disposable wet wipes: patient´s perspective, effect on skin flora and cost effectiveness.

Short summary

Traditional bed bath and intimate hygiene with soap and water or disposable wet wipes

1. Patient's perspective and preferences regarding the two bed bath methods

2. Effect on skin flora after washing with the two methods

3. Cost effectiveness of the two washing methods


Bed bath and intimate hygiene provides hospitalized bed-bound patients the opportunity to stay clean and fresh and is regarded as a necessary intervention to improve patients' quality of life, social acceptance and wellbeing. Futhermore bed bath and intimate hygiene assists in removing dirt, odor and microorganisms and may reduce the potential of infection. 

Water and soap have traditionally been used for personal hygiene, but recently, disposable prepacked wet wipes have been introduced as an alternative. 

So far, few qualitative studies have reported on patients' experience and preference of the two types of bed bath. The purpose of intimate hygiene is to remove dirt, odor and microorganisms, and it may potentially reduce the risk for urinary tract infection (UTI) and Catheter associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI). Traditionally, soap and water (SAW) have been used for intimate hygiene, but recently, disposable wet wipes (DWW) have been introduced as an alternative. So far, only few studies have compared the effectiveness of the two washing methods to reduce microbial skin flora. The third study will compaire cost-effectiveness of the two methods.

Description of the cohort

Participants from three wards.

1. Hospitalized patients who had experience with bed baths and disposable wipes

2. Hospitalized patients who need intimate hygiene in two consequtive days

Data and biological material

1. Qualitative interviews

2. Skin swaps before and after washing in groin and perineum 

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Clinical Microbiology, Hospital of Southern Denmark

  • Clinical Associate Professor Ming Chen.

National Center for Infection Control, Statens Serum Institut

  • MSc, PhD, Christian Stab Jensen

Healthcare Outcome Research Centre, Royal College Of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland

  • Professor Jan Sørensen

Institute of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark,King Christian X`s Hospital, Gråsten, Hospital of Southern Denmark

  • Associate Professor Jette Primdahl