OPEN Research Support

Christina Prinds
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.09.2017  
End 01.05.2021  

Soulful Childbirth - upgrading communication skills on existential matters in maternity services

Short summary

In relation to childbirth and in maternity care services, aspects of existential and spiritual dimensions of life and care are only briefly explored. This contrasts other parts of health services, for example related to sickness and death, where research in several years have focused on also spiritual dimensions of life and care. The aim of this study is, for the first time in the Nordic countries, to develop, evaluate and implement continuing education focusing on existential ncoursemmus nication as part of an important professional development for midwives, obstetricians.


The aim of this study is, for the first time in the Nordic countries, to develop, evaluate and implement continuing education focusing on existential communication as part of an important professional development for midwives, obstetricians and nurses. The aim is sought accomplished through a transversal design drawing on experiences from patients, health professionals and researchers through interviews, workshops and a questionnaire survey.  

Description of the cohort

Midwives, nurses and obstetricians at Sygehus Lillebælt, Afdelingen for fødsler og kvindesygdomme, Kolding, around 40 participants. 

Women and partners connected to maternity Services at Sygehus Lillebælt, Afdelingen for fødsler og kvindesygdomme, Kolding, 12-16 participants

Data and biological material

Interviewdata and questionnaire-data.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Enhed for Regional Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Kolding

  • Professor Jette Ammentorp 
  • Post. doc. Connie Timmerman
Research Unit of General Practice

  • Professor Niels Christian Hvidt 
  • Post doc. Dorte Toudal Viftrup 
  • Post doc., Elisabeth Assing Hvidt 

Department of Births and Women's diseases, Kolding Hospital, Lillebaelt Hospital 

  • Chief midwife Anne Uller
  • Administrative consultant Annemette Lykkebo
Region of Southern Denmark
  • Antropologist and e-learning consultant Varinka Lyn Matthäi
  • E-learning consultant Morten Sørensen