Stephanie Bjerrum
Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital
Project management | ||
Project status | Active | |
Data collection dates | ||
Start | 01.06.2018 | |
End | 31.05.2019 | |
The urine tuberculosis lipoarabinomannan (LAM) strip-test (Determine®-TB Alere, USA) can potentially be used as a rule-in test for tuberculosis TB in patients with advanced HIV and facilitate early initiation of antituberculous treatment. In 2016, a Cochrane Review was published on the accuracy of lateral flow urine LAM (LF LAM) for diagnosis of tuberculosis. This project will update the systematic review.
Tests based on the detection of mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan (LAM) antigen in urine have emerged as potential point-of-care test for tuberculosis (TB). Owing to suboptimal sensitivity, the urinary LAM assays are unsuitable as general screening tests for TB. However, unlike traditional diagnostic methods, they demonstrate improved sensitivity in HIV-TB co-infection which further increases with low CD4 counts. The urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) lateral flow test (Determine®-TB Alere, USA 'LF LAM') potentially can be used as a rule-in test for TB in patients with advanced HIV-induced immunosuppression, and facilitate the early initiation of antituberculous treatment in them. In 2016, the original Cochrane Review on the diagnostic accuracy of LF LAM was published and served to support decisions regarding adoption of LF- LAM worldwide (WHO LF LAM policy guidance 2015). Since 2015, approximately 20 additional studies have been conducted. Recently, WHO has received numerous requests from MSF and others in the TB community who believe the evidence regarding LF-LAM should be reconsidered, in light of new diagnostic accuracy studies and two recent impact studies.
The aim of this project is to:
The target audience is Policy makers, clinicians and other health care staff, HIV and TB programme managers, technical agencies, donors, and implementing partners supporting the use of TB diagnostics in resource limited settings.
The main review authors from the previous 2016 Cochrane Review have been invited to
opt in as authors on this updated review. As of this writing, Maunank Shah, Nandini Dendukuri, Ian Schiller, and Karen Steingart have all opted in to be review authors on this updated review with Stephanie Bjerrum as a review author.
Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital
Department of Infectious Diseases, John Hopkins University.
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill International TB Centre.
Cochrane Infectious Disease Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine