OPEN Research Support

Lena Sønder Snogdal
Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.05.2008  
End 31.12.2013  

Genetic Variants and Phenotypic Characteristics of Patients with T2DM

Short summary

Our hypothesis is that by establishing the combination of a range of genvariations using the SNP-chip technology (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) the ability to predict T2DM, complications and treatment effects will increase compared to using other technics including the GWA studies (Genome-Wide Association studies).


Therefore the aim of this project is to study, if specific genetic variants and combinations of these are...

  • more common in patients diagnosed with T2DM, than in the population in generel.
  • associated with specific diabetic related complications.
  • associated to the effect of the patients anti-diabetic treatment.

These studies will make it possible to determine, whether patients with specific genotypes are in need of a specific anti-diabetic treatment and whether some patients will be better treated with specific medication or combinations of medication. Theoretically this basis will make it possible to provide a higher level of  individual diabetic treatment and increase the level of information given to the patient concerning risks and prognosis linked to the treatment offered.

Description of the cohort

The cohort consists of 1000 T2DM (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) patients and 1000 healthy subjects. All participants will be physically examined, fasting blood samplers will be taken and they will answer a questionnaire.

Data and biological material

Patient history: Diabetic type, gender, age of diabetic debut, etnicity, BMI, anti-diabetic treatment from debut till now, other medication. Complications: Retino-, nephro-, neuropati, mikro-, cardiovascular disease. Dispositions for diabetic. Metabolic syndrome: Insulinresistens, hypertension, dyslipidemia and central adiposis. Birth weight and birth length.

Blood samples from subjects and patients: Hb, Na, K, creatinin, carbamid, fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c, C-peptid, GAD antibody, ALAT, LDH, GGT, lipid status, DNA and extra serum and plasma samples.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital

  • PhD-student Lena Sønder Snogdal, MD
  • Senior Hospital Physician and Clinical Associated Professor Jan Erik Henriksen, PhD
  • Senior Hospital Physician Kurt Højlund, PhD
  • Senior Hospital Physician and Clinical Associated Professor Knud Yderstræde, PhD

Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital

  • Klaus Brusgaard, MSc, PhD

Steno Diabetic Center, Gentofte

  • Senior Researcher Torben Hansen