OPEN Research Support

Helle Attermann Abildgaard
Department of Surgery, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.06.2018  
End 31.01.2019  

Neo-appendikostomi til antegrad kolon skylning hos børn med kronisk obstipation grundet myelomeningocele

Short summary

Evaulation of an surgery method -an neo-appendcistoma, in order to help children with faecal



 The antegradecolonic enema (ACE) has shown to be effective in the management of fecal incontinence. In case of no appendix or the need of the appendix for a Mitrofanoff vesicostoma other procedures mustbe considered. Here we evaluate the ileal neo-appendicostomy in children with fecal incontinence or chronic contipation. 

Description of the cohort

Children 0-16 years who underwent the surgery (neo-appendicostomi) in two instutuions (Odense

university hospital en Aarhius University hospital) in the time period 1996-2017

Data and biological material

Data is colleted in medical record and a questionaire are mailed to the participants.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of surgery, Odense University Hospital

  • Professor, Niels Quist
  • PhD, Mark Ellebæk