OPEN Research Support

Kristina Garne Holm
H. C. Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.09.2018  
End 30.09.2023  

TeleNeo Database

Short summary

Monitoring of growth and nutritional status for preterm infants receiving Neonatal Tele-Homecare from Hans Christian Andersen Hospital for Children and Adolescents. 


The last weeks of neonatal admission for a preterm infant mainly concerns optimising infant growth and tubefeeding parallel to establishment of breastfeeding. Neonatal tele-homecare (NTH) is offered to parents of preterm infants during the last weeks of admission during transition from tubefeeding to full oral feeding. NTH implies that parents manage tube feeding and establishment of breast- or bottlefeeding in the home instead of in the hospital. Infant growth, nutritional status, and general well-being are monitored by the neonatal unit through a telehealth solution between the parents and the neonatal unit. Further, weekly videoconferences between parents and the neonatal unit is carried out and supplemented with visits in the neonatal unit if the infant bloodtests are required. 

The purpose of the database is to monitor infant growth and nutritional status during NTH. The parents give written consent for enrolment of their infant(s) in the database.

Description of the cohort

Newborn infants receiving NTH from Hans Christian Andersen Hospital for Children and Adolescents. The majority of the infants in the cohort are born preterm and/or smal for gestational age. 

Data and biological material

Data on growth, nutrition, bloodtests values, readmissions during NTH, and length of stay.