OPEN Research Support

PhD student
Kamilla Kielsgaard
Research Unit of Rehabilitation, University of Southern Denmark

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.04.2017  
End 01.11.2019  

Development, implementation and evaluation of approaches to encourage participation in meaning-ful occupations for people with dementia - An Action Research project

Short summary

The approach to engagement of people with dementia in meaningful occupation is developed, implemented and evaluated using an action-research methodology. Evidence from a scoping review together with knowledge from users and staff will be used to develop a program theory for engaging people living with dementia  in meaningful occupations in the context of a day care centre in a dementia village. 


The efforts and methods used in dementia care in Denmark are comprehensive.  In the national dementia plan of action there is a demand for evidence-based knowledge to improve the everyday life and engagement in meaningful occupation for people living with dementia. The creation of dementia villages is an attempt to reach these demands, but research is needed about how specific approaches can be implemented to increase QOL through occupations.

The overall purpose of the project is to develop, implement and evaluate an evidence-based approach enabling people with dementia to undertake occupation in the context of a dementia village in order to gain increased QOL.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Health Sciences Research Centre, University College Lillebaelt.

Research Unit in Rehabilitation, Center of Clinical Research. The Faculty of Health Science. SDU, University of Southern Denmark

  • Associate Professor, Ph.D., OT, Hanne Kaae Kristensen

Health Sciences Research Centre, University College Lillebaelt.

Center for Global health, Center of Clinical Research. The Faculty of Health Science. SDU, University of Southern Denmark

  • Associate Professor, Ph.D., RN, Dorthe Nielsen

Institute of neurology and movement science, Faculty of medicine and health science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim NTNU), Norway

  • Associate Professor, Ph.D., OT Sissel Horghagen

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