Anders Bo Nielsen
Simulation Center SimC - Odense Univeristy Hospital
Project management | ||
Project status | Active | |
Data collection dates | ||
Start | 01.01.2018 | |
End | 31.12.2019 | |
This project is a prospective study investigating the education of medical doctors in gastroenterology with no prior experience to evaluate small bowel capsule endoscopies with a diagnostic sensitivity >90%
Small bowel capsule endoscopy is a frequent used procedure to evaluate and examine the small intestine. Unfortunately, there is no structured educational program for medical doctors to learn the examination of the capsule endoscopies. This can be caused by the small amount of evidence for the most optimal learning method.
Due to these reasons and due to the need of a course, we decided to clarify the optimal learning method to prepare the clinicians for the real patients.
Our hypothesis is that medical doctors with no prior experience to evaluate small bowel capsule endoscopies after theoretical lessons and training by experts and self-evaluation of 50 small bowel capsule endoscopies with feedback can perform a diagnostic sensitivity on >90% of the cases and make the right clinical treatment plan in >90%.
The cohort is medical doctors in medical gastroenterology or surgery with no prior experience or training in the evaluation of small bowel capsule endoscopies.
Department of medical gastroenterology, OUH
Department of medical gastroenterology, OUH
Department of medical gastroenterology, Sydvestjysk Sygehus
Department of internal medicine, Sygehus Lillebælt