OPEN Research Support

Nadja Trier Munk
Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.02.2018  
End 01.01.2023  

Verruca Vulgaris database

Short summary

The purpose is to establish a research database from which new scientific knowledge will be generated about the effectiveness of various verruca treatments.

The database is to our knowledge the first of its kind, and will serve as an important mean to increase quality of treatment and care. All patients diagnosed with verruca vulgaris will be asked about permission to extract clinical information from their records.


Verruca vulgaris is a common problem in Denmark. 10-20% of the Danish population will experience a wart on their hands or feet during a lifetime.

Immunosuppressive patients have an increased risk of developing verrucae vulgaris. This group of patients might have numerous warts, which doesn't neccesarily respond to the treatment. Therefore the course of treatment is often long-term.

Warts can have a major impact on daily activities and may cause embarrassment as well as cosmetic discomfort. In addition, warts in immunosuppressed patients may extend to verrucous carcinomas. Since 2015, the Department of Dermatology and Allergy Center has offered laser treatment primarily for immunosuppressive patients, but we lack knowledge about the effect of this treatment compared with other treatments.

The purpose is to establish a research database from which new scientific knowledge can be created about the effectiveness of the various treatment options for patients with verruca vulgaris.

Data stored in the verruca vulgaris database will allow basic data available for future subprojects, thereby improving and increasing the evidence of the effectiveness of our treatment offerings. In addition, the database will serve as a purpose for future patient satisfaction surveys.

Description of the cohort

All patients diagnosed with Verruca vulgaris at The Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, OUH. 

Data and biological material

Data will include: 

Objective data: demographics, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment efficacy, length of treatment course, number of treatments, number of warts, anatomical placement of warts.

Collaborating researchers and departments

Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital

  • Lina Zeraig, MD
  • Annette Dr. Schuster, MD