OPEN Research Support

Bent Nielsen
Department of Phyciatry, Odense University Hospital

Project management
Project status    Active
Data collection dates
Start 01.07.2018  
End 31.12.2019  

Screening of depressive and anxious patients in the outpatient alcohol treatment center, Odense

Short summary

This study is a screening of 70 patients in the outpatient alcohol treatment center in Odense with symptoms of anxiety and depression. The aim of the study is to test a relevant screening tool to be able to be used of non-psychiatric trained staff. The design is cross-sectional. Patients complete four screening instruments, and afterwards they are asked to participate in a diagnosis interview with a trained psychiatrist or psychologist, who do not know the results of the screening instruments.  The study start at February 2019, and it is a preparation for a subsequent intervention study. 


Women and men >17 years old with an alcohol use disorder and have symptoms for anxiety and depression. 

Collaborating researchers and departments

Outpatients alcohol treatment center, Odense.